Some of Us. Artistes contemporainexs
With co-publishers Marianne Derrien and Jérôme Cotinet-Alphaize.
Éditions Manuella, 2024.
“Sharing guides this anthology of contemporary artists bringing together over 2,500 visual archives (visuals of works and exhibition views) since the early 2000s in France. Drawing on the sources of contemporary art and its documentation, this anthology is built from a multiplicity of situated, engaged narratives, rather than from the dominant history, in order to contribute to greater equality and inclusivity in the field of visual arts. Providing a panorama, both retrospective and prospective, of the French scene’s diversity, our anthology contributes to the visibility of over 400 artists. Against the backdrop of this antechronological journey from 2021 to 2000, other lines of force are reinvented in a long and short time, by jolt, by resonance, by echo or difference; it’s a question of acting in favor of a more parity-based reading of contemporary art in France, while working to understand its contexts and mutations: herstory of feminism, sociology of work, curatorial theories, cultural policies, his·her·themstory of photography (…)” [Excerpt from introduction]
L’événement se déroulera en français.
OÙ ?
Niveau 5