Paris Internationale - © Paris Internationale
APALAZZO GALLERY - © Paris Internationale

APALAZZOGALLERY was founded in 2008 by Francesca Migliorati and Chiara Rusconi, as a commercial space for new encounters. Inspired by the unique architecture of the gallery, the prestigious Palazzo Cigola Fenaroli in Brescia, Italy, it aims to show contemporary art through a particular perspective, presenting curated solo and group exhibitions on a diversity of themes.
The commitment of the gallery is to develop a multidisciplinary and cross- generational programme. APALAZZOGALLERY organises exhibitions based on a particular theme or, alternatively, on the work of a single artist; and it supports international and Italian artists, both young and historical figures. Every project is built on a long and attentive dialogue between the gallery space and the artist; the result is often a show, in which the artworks engage the space in innovative ways, creating complex connections with the architecture of the palace. The gallery encourages and sustains this dialogue through artist residencies.
APALAZZOGALLERY promotes the work of the artists through Italian and international art fairs and curatorial projects.
Represented artists are Sonia Boyce OBE RA, Ann Iren Buan, Edson Chagas, Giorgio Ciam, Raùl De Nieves, Nathalie Du Pasquier, Emkal Eyongakpa, the Estate of Larry Stanton, Paolo Gonzato, Ibrahim Mahama, Eva & Franco Mattes, Servane Mary, the Estate of Jonas Mekas, Lucia Pescador, Marta Pierobon, Nathlie Provosty, Alan Reid, Olympia Scarry, Augustas Serapinas, Alexandra Sukhareva, The Reader, Francesco Vezzoli and Luc Ming Yan.

Address: Piazza Tebaldo Brusato, 35, 25121, Brescia, Italy
tel. +39 030 3758554

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