For this year’s Paris Internationale, Galerie Max Mayer is pleased to show new works by Murat Önen together with a video by Park McArthur & Constantina Zavitsanos.
In his paintings, Murat Önen merges personal experiences with imaginative moments and elements from art history. He challenges the established forms of academic painting, including his own work and questions of representation. His self-reflective works blend real-life situations with tropes of masculinity and queerness. In a continuous search, Önen works from something, but not towards something. Color, light, movement, tension, body, silhouettes, and space collide in the intuitively created process images, which intentionally and visibly inscribe their own history de facto with overpainting and over-layering.
Scores for Carolyn by Park McArthur & Constantina Zavitsanos is a short open captioned video playlist of instructional scores for care with two or more people. Named for (and to) their friend - the artist, Carolyn Lazard - the piece intentionally blurs roles of care provider and receiver; it is accompanied by slowed slurred sound that reads the video’s captions as they appear on screen.