Mona Varichon, 2K19 Weather Diaries, ou Météo du monde d’avant, 2022,
HD video, color, stereo sound
Born in Paris in 1989, video artist and translator, Mona Varichon uses current events, advertisement or popular culture to bring, through image and sound works, a perspective on certain struggles, political or not. The artist documents the world through her audiovisual creations, and thus freezes moments that are normally destined to be ephemeral. Collaging together instagram stories ranging from anonymous sources to celebrities like the Kardashians or french rappers PNL, her hand is removed save from minimal editing. In her photographs, the gesture is also archival and sober, often serial : a raw presentation of some aspect of the world she is just subtly underlining, a straightforward exhibition rather than any interpretation.

Matthieu Palud, Untilted, acrylic on canvas, 185x130cm and 170x130cm
Matthieu Palud is a painter born in Perpignan, France, in 1983. He is mostly self-taught and currently lives and works in a Correzian village in the center of France. His solo exhibitions so far have all been simply called « paintings » or « recent paintings ». His works are all untitled, and their dimensions vary greatly, from A4 panels to man-size canvases. His work resists classification in any a specic genre, as he has worked in many : his paintings deftly range from pop expressionist melanges of patterns with logo reproductions and computer screenshots, to quiet realistic still lives, melancholic portraits, bits of landscapes, or, lately, highly synthetised characters in eery colorful scenes.

Pigeon et Voisine, 2021, aquarelle sur soie 28x19cm
Clio Sze To is a painter born in Paris in 1988, she currently lives and works in Boulogne Billancourt. Her style of work is deeply influenced by both occidental and Chinese tradition, resulting in a relationship to observation that underlines the enduring human love for representation, navigating time and civilisations, with an obvious focus on the meditative potential of minute and careful depiction of the familiar. Lately her subjects have been provided by her immediate surroundings : large views from her windows on the massive architectural complex she inhabits, or close ups of some corners of it, walls with half-erased frescos, old fashioned shop-windows, a strangely shaped gateway, a neighbor peeking from her window.

“Readymade to go”, “Readymade to bees”,“Readymade to dot dot dot”, 2009, Collages, around 70x50 each
Malak El Zanaty Varichon (born 1952 in Giza, Egypt) lives and works in Paris. Since 1990, she has been leading art workshops with the non-profit Art-Éveil in kinder-garten and elementary schools in Paris and its surrounding areas, for adults, disabled or socially marginalized audiences, and at the Atelier des Enfants of the Centre Georges Pompidou. During her years in this beloved place she delighted in the back-and-forth course between the Atelier, the works in the museum, and the windows to the city, which allowed her to share, with visitors from all walks of life, a knowledge of the world, and of oneself, through looking, speaking and doing. Over time and its detours, she has been developing her own artistic practice within the folds of her professional and family life.